Boat Delivery – Captain Bill Everitt
Training & Orientation to help new boat owners:
Have you recently acquired a sailboat or a power boat and could benefit from a seasoned Captain with some hands-on expert training and orientation?
Consider trying our hands-on professional assistance on your boat. As a professional mariner holding a current commercial 200 Ton British Masters License, Captain Everitt is available to help you on your vessel – Power or Sail. He teaches a formal ‘Cruise & Learn’ course that could be taken on your vessel.
Training & Orientation during a boat delivery:
If you engage us to deliver your vessel, consider being on board for part or all of the boat delivery. This would be an ideal opportunity to learn, one-on-one, how your new boat handles for docking, anchoring, and maneuvering in close quarters – all under various weather and sea conditions and with an experienced teaching Captain at your side.
Call or email us today for a free boat delivery quote and/or to reserve personalized assistance on your boat. We typically provide four hour training clinics on your vessel.